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Justin Culver

Justin is known for transforming technology into a value-added business partner as well as an innovative founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of multiple businesses which continue in operation today. Justin founded many technology companies starting back in 2000 after a short career in forensic engineering and has since been a serial entrepreneur in many verticals with 10+ startups ranging from real estate to blockchain companies. As founder of Burrtec Corporation, an IT managed service provider, and bWERX Inc., a software development company, Justin owned and operated both companies working on notable projects such as the Google Wallet, design and management of the entire IT infrastructure for the $20B ArrowMark hedge fund, AmFirst Bank’s web portal, Predictive Technology trading software, ADA-ES’ IPO, and document management SaaSeTransmittal.com. Companies such as Charter Communications, Noodles & Company, The World Food Bank, and Westerra Credit Union have also relied on Justin’s businesses to support their technology efforts. His technology passion now lies in how blockchain and tokenization will become a ubiquitous technology to serve many organizations. He is currently working on four notable blockchain projects which will change the way individuals, institutions and even countries transact and custody digital assets. His interest in philanthropy spurred his travel to places ranging from India, Asia, Africa, and Europe where he has participated in projects designed to create jobs in communities and lift millions from poverty to the middle class. He has continued his learning by completing the executive program at MIT in blockchain technologies.

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