About Us

Our Mission

The mission of World Food Bank™ is to resolve global inefficiencies that exist in food trade and to advance the interests of our partners through innovative product development, economic transparency and excellence in stewardship. Read a letter from our founder and chairman, Richard Lackey.

Our Vision

The vision of World Food Bank™ is a food secure world, where farmers have the education, resources, and incentives to grow the most nutritious food possible, and where agricultural ecosystems are dynamic and life giving.


An International Prepared Network That Will Save Lives

A product is the result of a process. A system is a network of communication and distribution. World Food Bank is a system designed to maximize efficiency in the production and distribution of food and related supplies. Our core focus is to serve those who suffer most from these inefficiencies: the victims of disasters.


What’s Needed. Where it’s Needed. When it’s Needed.

World Food Bank’s purpose is to bridge the gaps in agricultural trade through standardizing the market and shelf life on core agricultural commodities. Through strategically located food reserves, processors and disaster response organizations have a dependable source of food in the region. WFB stabilizes markets by buying at harvest when there is an abundance to keep prices from dipping too low. WFB is then able to sell back into markets facing price volatility or as needed for rapid deployment into areas affected by a natural disaster or humanitarian crisis…



Rebuilding Markets to Rebuild Communities

By leveraging private capital for socially responsible investing, our ecosystem has the ability to not only respond to harmful inefficiencies, but it is able to help sustainably build and rebuild markets in an effective manner. Through guaranteed offtake with smallholder farmers, the groups trading through WFB are able to provide price support to farmers that allows them to become “bankable” in the eyes of financiers and insurers who can help them grow their business. World Food Bank seeks to unite all of these parties in a unique food security ecosystem.

Discover How You Can Make a Difference

If you’d like to know more about how you can help, make sure to reach out. We’d love to hear from you.