President Donald J. Trump recently announced his intent to nominate World Food Bank Founder and CEO Richard Lackey to the U.S. Board for International Food and Agricultural Development (BIFAD).

White House officials confirmed Mr. Lackey’s nomination to be a member of BIFAD. As a member of BIFAD, Mr. Lackey will hold a key position within the Trump Administration to advise the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) on agriculture and higher education issues pertinent to food insecurity in developing countries.

Mr. Lackey’s appointment to BIFAD will commence immediately and run for the remainder of a four-year term until July 28, 2020.

BIFAD members are appointed by the President and primarily represent the academic community. BIFAD was established by Title XII of the Foreign Assistance Act in recognition of the critical role of U.S. land-grant institutions in agricultural development, domestically and abroad, and support their representation in USAID development programs.

“I am honored to be nominated by President Trump for this crucial role with BIFAD, and I am honored to have the opportunity to work alongside the other food and agricultural leaders within BIFAD to contribute to the shaping of our country’s agricultural development efforts, both at home and overseas,” said Mr. Lackey. “In order to end world hunger and create successful agricultural development policies, we need government working hand-in-hand with experts from the academic sector, the private sector, and the public sector. BIFAD’s role is to bring representatives from these sectors to the table, and I look forward to the great things that we will accomplish together.”

Mr. Lackey also serves on the USAID Advisory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Aid (ACVFA), a bipartisan committee that helps to provide the underpinning for cooperation between the public and private sectors in U.S. foreign assistance programs. Mr. Lackey was appointed to the ACVFA in March 2018 by Mark Green, the Administrator of USAID.

To learn more about BIFAD, visit