by josiahmwd | Aug 28, 2018 | Key Sectors
One of the fundamental goals in developing improved rural transportation systems in Sub-Saharan Africa is to create a link between smallholder farmers and major urban areas and their markets across the globe. Farmers who have access to transport are likely to have...
by josiahmwd | Aug 21, 2018 | International
As technology advances more rapidly than many of us can keep up, we look to invent practices and use devices that can move agriculture forward too. The Climate Action Programme states that “the African agricultural industry is currently facing a number of problems...
by josiahmwd | Jul 17, 2018 | Key Sectors
While the word “harvest”often connotes images of bounty and plentiful supplies of food, the reality is that in places like Sub-Saharan Africa yields taken in during the initial harvest of crops are typically not representative of the amount of food that will actually...
by josiahmwd | Apr 15, 2018 | Key Sectors
At the World Food Bank, we work to address 12 key agricultural sectors, all of which are essential components of a thriving global food system. Throughout 2018, we will be highlighting one of these sectors each month in our newsletter in an effort to help our readers...