Bringing Attention to Issues That Matter

This week, the world recognized key problems that are impacting communities everywhere. World Food Day and International Day for the Eradication of Poverty are, in our opinion, inextricably linked. World Food Day The month of October brings with it a harvest season in...

WFB Welcomed in Kenya

This month, World Food Bank CEO Richard Lackey and GFE Investor Justin Culver visited Thakara-Nithi County in Kenya, where they were heartily welcomed and given a personal tour of local food systems and producers by County Governor Muthomi Njuki. Governor Njuki is a...

Planting in Uganda

Fresh off the heels of our first harvest this year, our team is back at it this week planting seeds for our second season. We began planting this week and will continue into next week. All of our seeds were inoculated with rhizobium and then planted within 6 hours of...