WFB CEO Richard Lackey (left) with USAID Administrator Mark Green (center) and fellow BIFAD member Mark E. Keenum (right).

Our CEO Richard Lackey recently returned from Washington, D.C., where he spent two days this month attending his first meetings as an official member of BIFAD (the Board for International Food and Agricultural Development).

Richard was recently appointed to serve as a member of BIFAD by President Donald J. Trump.

As a member of this board, Richard will work alongside other members and food security experts to advise USAID on agriculture and higher education issues pertinent to food insecurity in developing countries.

Richard is one of the only BIFAD members to represent the private sector business community, with most members representing the academic community.

The May 2018 BIFAD meetings focused on a discussion around the theory of resilience measurement in global food systems.

Watch the full recordings of the public meetings below!